Write a poem under the theme of ‘Last Chance’.
What subject might a poem with this theme explore?
18 Years
It was her last chance
To live.
Death is only a reminder
That lives are shorter
Than expected
And years don’t mean anything
If they are just neglected
So she spent everyday
As though it was her last
Because one of them was
And she was not prepared
To be at loss
For the fact
That she’d soon stop breathing
And her heart would stop beating
So she traveled on her bike
Went on long hikes
Visited family and friends
Took walks in the rain
Binged the same movie 56 times
Played board games with roommates
And ate ice cream for dinner
Visited art exhibitions
Got front-seat tickets at theatres
Rolled down hills
Like how she did in her meadowy childhood days
She did all these things
Because she knew she would never do them again
For her there was only now
She was nearing the end
And so when the time came
She cried and screamed
Because it was her turn to leave
But as her eyes closed
For the last time
Under the bright glow of hospital lights
She remembered
All in one second
All the little things
That made it worth living
Those 18 years of her life.