
The scene before me plays out in slow motion.

Just as I thought I was about to beat him he finds my only vulnerability.

My sister.

There he is, standing in front of me, a gun pointed to her head.

“Please, don’t hurt her,” I beg in my fake voice, so she doesn’t know it’s me.

He lets out an evil laugh, “What makes you think I’d give her up that easily? I finally found a way to beat you!”

I clench my fists and look down to her, a rag stuffed in her mouth to keep her from talking.

“Can’t we negotiate? I’ll do anything!” I plead.

He ponders this for a moment.

“Fine, I have an idea,” He smiles.

Slowly he reaches into my sisters pocket, she flinches and I take a step forward.

“Relax, I’m just grabbing something,” He says.

He pulls what looks like a black object out of her pocket. My heart drops.

It’s a phone.

“All you have to do is reveal your identity to her, take your mask off, state your real name. Easy peasy,” He offers.

“What’s with the phone?” I question.

“Oh, thank you for reminding me. I’ll just post it on all social media platforms, no big deal,” He chuckles.

I look down to my sister, she shakes her head no. I wonder what’s going through her head. She doesn’t know it’s me but yet she’s still willing to sacrifice herself.

I stand there, a million thoughts running through my head. But I know I only have one choice.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” I say reluctantly.

“Very good choice,” He replies.

He holds the phone up so the camera is facing me.

“Ready when you are,” He tells me.

I can’t believe I’m about to do this. Give up my hero life, give up fighting the evil in this world. But I have to.

For her.

I nod and the flash turns on indicating that it’s recording.

“You may know me as the hero LighteningBolt, but you don’t know who I really am,” I begin, dropping my fake voice.

Slowly I peel off my mask and my real identity is out. I can see my sisters eyes go wide with shock.

“My real names Chris Silvers and-“ I start but get cut off.

“WHO TOOK MY PHONE!” I hear my mom yell from the kitchen.

We all freeze.

“JAMES DID IT!” My sister yells.

James, who was standing over her with a nerf gun to her head, glares down at my sister.

“Hey! You weren’t supposed to tell!” He whines.

Mom comes in the kitchen and gives my brother the, “you’re in big trouble look”.

“We were just playing superhero mom, please don’t get mad,” I explain, defending my brother.

“It’s fine if you play superhero Chris, but I told you no more taking my phone,” She tells me.

Mom goes over to James and grabs the phone from him.

“This is the last time I tell you kids this,” She says, looking to each and everyone of us, “Next time I won’t be so forgiving.”

“Yes ma’am,” We all say in unison.

She smiles, “Alright you three run along.”

We all giggle, running off to play something else.

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