Water. Where’s the line?

How one thing could be so calm but so angry

Rippling softly at all times


When it crashes agains the shore and causes an explosion

How can it be so calm and so angry? How?

Everyday it helps us, helps us survive

But what happens when it helps nature select?

Are we at the hands of this element?

Do we control it or does it control us?

Questions go unanswered, inferred, but unanswered,

Tell me, can the very thing you need to keep you alive also kill you in an instant?

We need you. I need you. But I fear you.

Water. Sea. Waves.

The sea is so peaceful, so calming and so comforting

But so angry, so vicious and so vengeful

When it approached the shore when it crashes agains the sand when it attacks


The water you drink aids your living but the water you drink aids your dying. Drowning.

Tell me, how can this one element be so normal in the world but so powerful?

Is water the enemy?


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