“Dolly from Vanderbay Industries. How may we be of service today!”

“Good afternoon Dolly! I am inquiring on pricing for your latest product as my company is interested in expan-“

I stopped listening.

The voice on the phone turned into ringing in my ears as my eyes glazed over. Returning me to that day we lost you.

I still remember the sounds of the rain hitting the shed tin roof as they dragged your body out on the stretcher. I still remember how they peeled back the thin plastic tarp to have me identify your face.

“Yes” was all I could mutter out before my chest locked in my breath and tears of realization fell from my eyes.

I had lost you. You were dead.

“Excuse me miss, are you able to give me a quote for 10 skids of tin roofing?”

I feel the shake in my hands still and my voice return. “Y-yes! I’ll just need a name sir”

I sit so still, gripping the phone. I hope you say his name.

“Dave Samnder”

A tear falls from my eye as I relay the name into the computer. Typing in the order and waiting for the quote to load up.

“You’re still dead” I wanted to scream

“Three thousand five hundred dollars” is what I said.

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