“It felt so real, yet so magical!”

Include this line in your story

Catcher in the fruit

I walked into a Sainsbury's and looked at the deals and prices. Nothing interested me so i walked out. However, i seemed to spot a collection of bananas that were hanging off of one of the aisles. As i spotted it, it was about to fall off so i ran to it as fast as i could making sure to avoid staff members and other shoppers. I reached the fruit section and i saw the bananas in mid-air about to crash onto the ground and not cause a mess exactly but a mild inconvenience at least. I fell onto the ground and reached my hands out, catching the bananas and saving them. As I got up to put the bananas back onto the aisle I noticed the staff members looking at me strangely, yet an elderly shopper looked me up and down and patted me on the back.

"Good lad" she said to me.

I felt embarrassed yet proud, it was so real yet so magical so i decided to do what i was destined to do. I bought those bananas, took them home and left them on a high shelf not to be touched. They're still there to this day, they've gone brown yet i promise to myself to never let them fall again. I won't even let my wife or my children reach up there, for i do not want disaster to strike. For the banana is an innocent yet dangerous fruit, for i've played enough Mario Kart to not underestimate the banana. Trust me, nothing's been the same since the incident...

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