Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"Your time is up. Better run!"
Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.
Neighborhood Games
It was a fall night. Brisk, but perfect. With a jacket on, you could be outside for hours.
All the kids in the neighborhood knew the drill. Once the sun came down, and it was truly dark, everyone gathered outside the Furst’s house.
The driveway was lit-up, and that kept the front yard decently visible to. The backyard had even more lights on, so if you viewed the house from above, you could easily view the whole 360 degree perimeter around the home.
It was always the same - a long debate about what game to play. Everyone had an opinion, and nobody would just go with the flow, so it took “forever” to get started. Eventually somebody got mad and bored enough and started shouting “we’re playing capture the flag or I’m going home now!”
The house was divided into two sides with flags hidden in each end. Each team was given 100 seconds to hide their flag before the other team could cross the boundary into enemy territory.
After the loud 100 second count-down, he shouted, “your time is up. Better run!”