Secrets, Secrets

I walked into the meeting room, hooded cloak covering my face, and my black heels making my presence known. The doors slammed shut behind me. I had been summoned by the king once again. I walked into the center of the room and curtsied, waiting for his majesty to speak.

“You may stand. Straight into business. There has been a mole detected within my staff. I need them found. They are leaking some of my most important information.” I nodded my head and looked him in the eye. Only the king himself being able to see my true identity. Being a royal assassin was a serious job.

“Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive.” I nodded my head once more.

“I will not fail you sire.” The king nodded his head in approval and I bowed once more before turning around and taking my leave.

There was work to be done. I couldn’t disappoint my father now.

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