White Fluffy Clouds

white fluffy clouds

it would have white fluffy clouds

as soft and as silky as

cotton candy strands that

dance around my dreams and wrap

me up into a soft, cozy blanket

i would have light blue window shades

that cover me in darkness and

keep out the graphite darkness from

the storm clouds outside

the rain would do a little

tap dance on my windows,

the pitter-patters

a reminder that i am safe and

warm and untouchable

there would be a light scratch

atop my bed frame, a shelf

that houses books and hot coffee

that indicates the old, worn-out,

stained pages of my favorite books

i would be safe and happy

wrapped around in my favorite blanket

and listening to my favorite

music without a care in the world

i would not be sitting in

a rock-hard seat,

with my hair getting tangled in the desk

and not surrounded by

the symphony of coughs and sneezes

sighs and confusions

i would not be taking this test

whose mixture of sounds and sights

is nowhere near as nice as

the cozy little paradise

i have built inside of my head

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