The Day Harriet Returned

Write a story with this as the title

You ran away

There were missing posters all over the walls. Pictures of children piled over each other. One of these pictures was Harriet. The 12-12-12 was the day all the missing children returned. All but Harriet. The day all the children returned was the day that Harriet went missing. All 56 children came back. None of them spoke a word about their abduction. They would not speak to anyone. Their parents heard them whispering before they went to bed “thank you Harriet for setting us free”. Harriet’s mother and father searched the woods and all around the city for clues, but there was no trace.

Harriet was surrounded by wooden barrels. Moving each barrel towards the slope and giving it a big push. The barrels stopped with a bang. The ship was full. The chains clanked on the floor as she walked across the ship, closing the door. She looked up at the balcony seeing the older man dressed in a dark brown robe with a list in his hand. Wiping the dirt from her face she continued in her way to finish her job. When Harriet bolted the ropes down, all was set . “Harriet” a whisper was heard above deck. Harriet walked up the creaky staircase on top of the ship. She saw her friend Amy. Amy waved to Harriet before pointing to the back to the ship.

Harriet did not sleep, she waited for the right moment. Once all was asleep Harriet moved slowly to the end of the ship. Amy was waiting. “What is it?” Harriet asks confused looking at Amy. “Remember that night you saved all the children" Harriet whispers. Harriet nods in response as Amy hands over paperwork. “This is your way out” Amy says before running towards the life boat. “What do you mean?” Harriet asks following Amy. Amy smiles turning to Harriet. Harriet shrieks in alarm as Amy picks Harriet up and shoves her in the life boat. “That piece of paper is the only thing you need. Get to the checkpoint, show the paper and you can get home” Amy says before cutting the rope making the life boat crash in the water. Harriet holds tightly to the folded piece of paper as the water pushes her away. Watching as the boat becomes impossible to see.

Harriet awoke in the life boat the next say. However, she found that the boat was not moving. Harriet went to the edge and saw sand, looking up she saw a light house. Harriet traveled for days before arriving at a check point. Once she got to the front of a the line, she showed the guard her paperwork. The guard looked over at Harriet before saying “where yee be goin brat?”. “Earth” Harriet said quietly not looking at the blue skinned guard. The guard moved to the traveling machine, stamping the letter as the portal opened. Once Harriet set foot into the portal, her world began to spin. She was found.

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