by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a story set in an eco-friendly future.
The Wrong Right
How did I get here? This new fashion of life. When did everything become this way. I feel…. miserable here.
We thought everything would be better. They told us it would be and everything is, to them atleast. Life just isn’t the same for me.
Why am I the odd one out? This new world isn’t like the stories grandpa used to tell, Nothing like it at all.
There’s no bar fights and genuine woman like my grandmother anymore at all. Am I becoming like everyone else? No definitely not that’s why I’m alone.
It all started with those damned ecologist. First went gas.,Next they came for our food and now even electricity is barely permitted.
Where did we go wrong? Is there even a way to fix this world. I don’t want my children growing up like this.
Ha, like I’ll even be able to have any with my luck. There isn’t much I could do regardless on my own on this cursed planet alone, this isn’t the only one those conservationists have conquered.