Submitted by Oralie Penderwick
'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'
Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.
I approached the room at the end of hallway cautiously, alert for any kind of movement. I kept my hand on my dagger the entire time I made my way to the oak door. This was the last room in the house, she had to be here.
Taking a deep breath, wincing at the small twinge of pain it brought, slowly I opened the door. The eerie creak echoed throughout the house and filled my ears. My heart sped in my chest and adrenaline pumped through my veins as I entered the room cautiously, scanning for danger and Nicolette.
Nicolette was there, sitting on the sofa tied up and blindfolded. Her blonde hair was tangled but she was still in her gear, weapons and all.
Strange, I thought, but that’s the last of my worries. I breathed a sigh of relief when I scanned over her body and she appeared unharmed. I rushed forward and quickly moved to unbind her. When I removed her blindfold from her, I was taken aback.
Her eyes were open and staring at me, her usual kind, ocean blue eyes were pale and full of rage. When I moved back startled when she jumped up quickly into a defensive position. I held my hands up to show I meant no harm to her. She stood her ground, not moving.
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck and goosebumps bloomed across my skin as her cold gaze met mine, something was wrong. When I saw her move, I quickly unsheathed my dagger just in time to block her own, the sound of metal on metal was deafening.
"Nicolette?!"I exclaimed, stunned by my friends sudden attack. What had happened to her when she went missing two weeks ago?
"Nicolette, it's me Alexandria, your best friend." I said trying to reason with her. She looked at me and snarled,
"I have no friends."
I could feel my eyes widen in shock, my heart fell. Her blows became stronger and more determined, and I was struggling to hold her off. I could see the bloodthirsty look in her eyes and knew her intention was my death.
I moved around the room hoping to stall and tire her, but was unsuccessful. I could feel myself growing weaker and knew I wasn’t going to be able to do this for much longer.
I already had injuries from fighting my way in to rescue her. I had to stop her or she would do something she would regret later.
"Stop" I pleaded, "Please you're better than this, Nicolette!" Her blows were becoming harder and harder as she fought me. My arms ached as I blocked each one and each one of her blows sent my muscles quivering.
Her mouth was set in a hard line her face unrecognizable, this was not the Nicolette I knew. Her eyes were as cold as ice as she glared at me. They filled with so much hatred and viciousness, not her usual warmth and strength.
I was distracted for only a second by a small movement in the corner of my eye. That single second was enough for her determination and power to overcome me, as she succeeded in un-arming me. My dagger clattered across the room. This was it, I knew I was going to die. I looked to her, panic flooding my body, my heart racing as I felt the danger seep into my pores.
"Please, Nicolette!" I pleaded once more, hoping my best friend was still in there somewhere. She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.
"I love you," I whispered as the pain blackend my vision, causing my body to crumble to the floor. Hot tears fell down my cheeks as blood pooled around my frame. The last thing I saw as I lost consciousness were her eyes, cold and unforgiving, and joined by the mischievous green eyes of person we hated most.