The Lake

It was the dead of night.No noise.No sound.Antonio had been to this lake many times with friends and family , talking about ghost storys of how a young girl had drowned here and every year she appears on the day of her death. Today was that very day.but Antonio had never belived in ghost or ghouls but today that would all change.


It was a gorgeous afternoon.the sun was shining and Antonio had a warmth running down the back of his neck.He had put up his tent, collected and collected some dry wood to use for his fire later on.


It was getting dark. There was a cold eerie atmosphere and a chill running down his spine. so he set up his fire to cook his tinned food.


it was dead at night and there and a rush going through Antonios mind.He had a weird feeling that something was going to happen.Something bad.All of a sudden there was a scratching on his tent.He quickly ran out with a torch in his right hand.He looked around.Nothing.


Antonio was in a deep slumber but all of a sudden, there was a ear piercing screaming that echoed throughout the camp sounded like a scream of a young girl.He thought of all the ghosts stories his family had told him around the camp fire.Antonio had left his tent, and standing by the campfire was a young innocent girl.She stared into his soal.She hadnt moved a muscle.He didn’t dare to move an inch.Then the girl took a small step forward.then another.then another.then all off a sudden….

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