The Man In The Suit

The door slowly shut behind me, creaking in such a eerie way it made my skin crawl. The darkness of the room swallowed me whole.

“Hello?” I called out, my voice cracking from unsureness. “Anyone in here?”

I walked forward, reaching out my hands and feeling around the room. I couldn’t see anything in the pitch black. I heard a slow, quiet chuckle from a corner of the room. I jumped back from the startle.

“Hello?” I repeated, “who’s that?” I turned to the direction of the voice, squinting my eyes trying to make out a shape from the void that is the darkness.

The light flicked on to reveal a man, he was big and burly with pale white skin and bags under his eyes. He looked like a vampire, his slick black suit really pulling the look together.

“Oh- uh. Hi.” I stuttered out, taking a step backwards.

He gave a mischievous grin before pulling something out from the inside of his jacket. My heart began to race when I realized what it was. My eyes widened and I debated making a run from it.

“Don’t look so startled, bud.” The mans mouth formed into a unsettling smirk.

“Listen, man, I don’t want any trouble. If you want cash you can take my wallet, really, just let me go.” I couldn’t look the man in the eyes, I was too focused on the gun he was holding, swaying perfectly with his hand.

“Cash?” He laughed, “look at me, do I look like the type of guy to need money?” He scoffed.

He didnt, he had a clean shaven face, a smooth neat hair cut, and his suit had to have costed more then a couple thousand dollars.

“Well, what do you want from me then?” I couldn’t run, I had no doubt he’d shoot me.

“Beg me to let you live, actually, better yet tell me why I should let you live, give me reasons.”

I could feel tears pushing against my eyes. I couldn’t cry, not now, I had to show this man I’m not weak. I can get through this.

“I have a family, my mom needs me, she’s getting old and I have to take care of her and my little brother.” I pleaded, but he didn’t look sympathetic, he looked amused.

I stared at him for a moment, awaiting an answer before realizing I wasn’t going to get one.

“I’m only 23, I’ve never been in love, I don’t have any kids, I never got to tell my mom goodbye.” I had tears running down my face at this point.

The man hummed and walked towards me, I resisted the urge to back up. He stopped about a foot away from me. He looked me up and down, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that made me want to throw up from how insecure and anxious I felt.

“ that all?”

Chills ran down my spine. I wanted to scream at him for the way he just dismissed my life like it was nothing, like it didn’t even matter. Does he even have a heart? A soul?

I nodded a couple times before letting my head fall in disappointment, maybe this was it. He raised his empty hand up to my face and a flinched back.

“Calm down.” He whispered, placing his hand on my cheek. I almost impulsively swatted his hand away.

“I’ll let you live,” my eyes brightened, “on one condition.”

“What is it? I’ll do anything, anything at all” I promised, hoping he wouldn’t be a creep. Even if he was, I’d give in, I couldn’t leave my family.

“You owe me a favor, any favor, whatever I want and whenever I need.” He whispered slowly, looking me in the eyes as his thumb stroked my cheek.

I nodded into the palm of his hand. An odd request, but I’d give anything to get to see my brother again. I held my breath as he brought his other hand up, placing the tip of the gun up to my temple.

Did he lie? Was he about to put a bullet through my head? My heart raced once again and I froze with fear. He chuckled again, but this time quieter and shorter.

“No need to be afraid anymore, you’re mine now.” His words confused me but I didn’t dare question him.

I closed my eyes tight waiting for the click of the gun, but it never came. I opened my eyes

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