Write a descriptive scene about a character forced to use a unique mode of transportation.

Choose Life

I’m waiting at the airport while my life seems to be passing by. The real question is, are we living life or not?

In just 2 hours, it will be my 27th birthday.

I’m sitting patiently for the passengers of Zones 1 and 2 to board. How do I feel about one stressful situation after another? I came to Houston, Texas, right after being in Ciudad de Mexico, where I traveled for my TOEFL IBT and GRE exams. Life is about feeling alive, isn’t it? Well, that’s what the last week has been for me: higher intensity levels, experiencing feelings I haven’t felt in many years, the hustle to get results. My life has been filled with many successful events and memories, even at a young age. For instance, sports, family and social life, school, and even politics have always been there for me without much effort; things seem easier for me because of my personality, preparation, DNA, and a bit of luck with God’s blessing. Of course, if you don’t do your part to achieve results, it probably won’t be the outcome you desire; life is more complicated than I once thought. This personal time I invested in test prep has not paid off, but the results I achieved have just knocked me out. Surprisingly, I’m in Houston after two failed attempts, but so what? Just don’t quit and keep pushing forward.

Life is about being in a KO syndrome and getting the hell back up. That’s exactly why I’m pursuing my second master’s program: to avoid being in a place that isn’t necessarily healthy right now.

After the recent political results were announced, I felt that changing ideas and mindsets must be mentally healthy. Travel light by letting go of harmful and unnecessary baggage. Forget about toxic ideas, disloyal people, and mistakes, and move on. Prepare to come back stronger. This is what my master’s program is all about: regaining my social life, embracing my youth, prioritizing myself now, and being a little selfish for once.

I know this is the best moment in my life, when I can take chances and choose how to spend my time. I have one year to allow myself to explore and discover the best version of myself before new projects arrive, very soon.

Don’t let time fly by; travel with time and make it work for you, if you can. That’s my birthday wish. Happy Birthday, SIR!

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