Being the Key Bearer was a difficult job, but it came with its benefits…

Key Bearing Responsibility

Being the Key Bearer was a difficult job, but it came with its benefits. Felix was quite literally in it for the benefits only. He didn't go through all of that training because he thought it would be a fun, easy gig.

The thing about Felix Donovan was that he always found himself in the middle of the most awkward situations known to man. It was like his superpower, but so much worse. Being the Key Bearer for the region was his way of gaining some control over his occasional misfortunes.

Key Bearing came with a great deal of responsibility which Felix took seriously, of course. He was in charge of all of the comings and goings throughout the region. There were thousands a day, including the confidential visits that only a select few knew about.

Felix's benefit, though - the only reason that made this whole thing worth it - was the fact that he had total control over the keys and all ensuing travel. When he found himself in a situation that he wished he could get out of, he had the control to do so. All he had to do was think of where he wanted to go, pull the key out of his pocket, and find a door. It saved him from a myriad of awkward situations and uncomfortable conversations. Despite the endless secrecy and bureaucracy he was forced to suffer, he decided that his one perk made the whole thing more than well worth it.

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