
The water glistened in the few spots sunlight reached. Droplets of water sprayed in a heavenly mist away from the cascading waterfall.

Esther ran her hand down the stallion’s mane, relishing the silky feeling. Her armour weighed down on her slender frame, but she bore it heroically, sitting tall.

With a hand on her sword hilt, she galloped away, settling into a rough rhythm.

Hours passed and her eyelids drooped. Her hand was limp against the scabbard. A dark, foreboding presence lurked in the shadows around her. Esther sighed, jumped off the horse and drew her enchanted broadsword.

The shadow melded into a swirling figure of darkness and light. It glared at her, sending tendrils of killing magic her way.

Esther deflected it easily, charging with her weapon out in front of her. The thing leapt over her head, and d sad he spun to face it.

It jabbed a misty hand through her, slicing through metal, flesh and sinew. Blood gurgled from Esther’s lips. With a mouth stained red, she collapsed, dead.

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