"I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say it right now."

Use this sentence in a short story.

dying thief

If Estella didn’t find the diamond soon, she’d get caught. And so, she began her search again - adjusting her mask as she did.

The museum was magnificent. Intricate carvings lined every wall and artefacts lay perfectly still in their glass cages. On her right, she could see a vase painted with blue flowers. To her left, an ancient painting hung on the cream coloured wall. It depicted a beautiful young girl with blonde curls and green eyes sat on her bed. She wore a fitted pink dress and a matching bow in her hair.

Estella thought she looked much too prissy for a girl in a painting.

Carrying on with her search, she moved onwards to the next room. This room was filled with sculptures of all kinds of mythic men. She payed this room no mind, instead she carried on towards the next.

Then she saw it - the diamond. It was absolutely perfect. Each side shimmered and sparkled as she gazed at it. Suddenly, she noticed her reflection staring back at her. Her earthy brown eyes, her frizzy black hair, and, of course, her nose that was a little too big for her head. She hated it, her appearance. But that didn’t matter now she had this diamond. She could just picture the money. Enough money to fix her nose, to dye her hair.

A shivering feeling took her by surprise. Estella whipped her head just in time to see the knife as it flew into her stomach.

“Oh is that you Estella?” asked a voice, “Pity”

She crumpled to the floor; desperately gasping for air.

“You know, I thought I’d seen you come in. So, of course, I followed you. It’s such a shame I had to kill you but… well let’s just say you were going to take something from me”

Estella knew that voice. It was Ronan’s voice. But why was he here?

“And you also killed my brother so there’s that”

Killed his brother?

“Oh don’t look at me like that. You cant have forgotten!”

Estella took a deep breath, knowing she’d regret it if she didn’t speak now.

“I didn’t, I didn’t kill your brother” she croaked.

Then, nothing.

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