Submitted by Eliana
Create an encyclopaedia entry for an imaginary creature.
The Vox
Name: Vox
Scientific Name: Voxus Mortis
Pronunciation: V-Ox
Description: The vox is a Volcanic Fox, and is completely made up of Molten and Hardened Lava. They usually are red and orange, but in some cases and biomes, they can come in Blue and Silver.
The Red and Orange breed goes by the Voxus Rotannis, and the Blue and Silver is the Voxus Azurai.
Location: The Rotannis breed lives in the high mountains of Feylea, Engardia, and the Azurai lives in the ice caves of Igala, Elondrya.
Rotannis are often friendly, but should not be touched, due to their molten skin, but they extremely loyal, often to a fault, if treated correctly.
Azurai are not friendly but can be touched, their skin having been hardened by a crystaline encasing they develop when they reach adulthood. They are fairly aloof, and mistrustful, but if you make a bond, they are incredibly loyal, much like their sister breed.