Submitted by Margaret Sok

'I will not walk this earth without you…'

Write a poem or story including this line. Consider what or who 'you' might refer to in order to create a unique narrative.

My Dear.

I will not walk this earth without you.

That is what I said when we last met.

Then you left me…

I can’t believe you died.

It feels like a nightmare..all of it,a nightmare.

I am standing at your favorite place.

Our favorite place.

The cliffs out in the forest.

I wrote her a letter.

I hope she doesn’t feel as I do now.


If I leave as you have left us.

Will she feel the same as me now?

I can’t leave her.

Not alone.

Not an orphaned child.

No,I refuse.

I miss you…

So,so much.

I promise you,I’m not going to leave our daughter.

I’m not leaving her alone in this world.

I write this as I sit on the cliffs.

Knowing I’ll have to go back.

Back to her.

I wish I could have told you goodbye.

I will always love you,my dear.

I’ll see you again.

But I no longer want to leave.

Not anymore.

Goodbye,My dear.

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