Strange World

He felt the warm oozing from his neck. He looked aground. Nothing. He looked toward the ceiling. Nothing was dripping. He looked again, only this time when his head retuned to normal, he felt slightly dizzy. His heart seemed to also be beating faster. He touched his neck with his right hand. He was bleeding profusely. It was all over his hand and coat. People around him had started to look at him worrisomely. He felt embarrassed as he collapsed. Everyone was still. A waiting came by and yelled 911. Klaus had been stabbed with a fine knife. He neither saw it nor felt it coming. He died before the ambulance got to him.

He’d been in Washington to push the new agenda. Unlike other countries Washington had been slow to move, partly because there was a fight happening in the states between the globalists and American bankers. The globalists wanted two classes of people- the dependent and the elite. The bankers wanted a middle class along with an elite and dependent class. The banks lived from the services sold to the middle class. They lived from the dreams of one day owning a home.

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