Psycho Room

“Hey”, I said,”I know you want to kill me but wouldn’t it be better if we worked together to get out of here. It takes two to find a way out and with out me you would be stuck here and not be able to kill anymore.

Let’s work together to get out of here. Just think about it, if you kill me you can’t kill anymore.

If you would say something instead of staring we could make progress.”

The psychopath stood there with beady eyes focusing on me. He watched every movement I made. Not a care in the world on his face that we were stuck in this room only waiting to die. My will probably come sooner if I can’t convince this freak to help me escape and not kill me.

“Let’s talk about it come on.” I said anxiously.

“Why?”,the psychopath said in a voice so plain that it sounded like a computer speaking. No sign of emotion behind his voice.

“Just think about it man. You kill me you die. If you help me we can both live and you can go back to what you like doing.”


“Aren’t you afraid of death. We’re both going to be killed by the mafia. Help me escape and I won’t inform the cops on all of the people you’ve killed. I’ll keep you identity secret.”

“If you were dead you wouldn’t be able to talk.”

“You can’t kill if you die here. Listen to my proposal man.”

“If I do your still going to rat me out”

“No I won’t. I’m a man of my word.”

“So be it. Consider your self lucky for know.”

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