
Icy wind whipped around Alessia’s face, her whispy hair plastering sporadically to her face. She extended a hand and touched one, hanging down ominously from the ceiling of the cave. It was cold to the touch. Freezing, in fact. It was also wet. A drop of icy cold water ran down Alessia’s hand and up her sleeve. She shivered slightly but kept her hand where it was. It was sharp too, she touched the end with the tip of her finger and admired the distorted view of her little cold finger through the ice. Marcus sure was taking his time. She moved her hand to the next icicle. It was slightly bigger and slightly colder - or so it felt. Alessia ran her tongue around her mouth, she noticed that she was thirsty, but didn’t have any water. She moved her hand to the next one, she was nearing the back of the cave now and somehow it felt warmer - probably because she was out of the wind. Marcus would find her. She reached the next one and ran her hands down it, a rather large one. She leant forwards and licked the water off the cold ice. That was exactly what she needed. She knealt down to reach the tip and let the slowly melting ice run off into her mouth. She stayed there while it slowly dropped into her mouth, the indulgence of the freezing water quenching her thirst.


Alessia spun around

“Marcus… hi… nice to meet you”


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