Tale Of Mary Shelley

Selena, her friends, Christine, Esmeralda, Aurora, Isabella, and Juliet were searching for the manuscript of Shelley’s notable Novel, Frankenstein, Selena reads to her friends accounting to the manuscript, the premise of the Novel was inspired by a nightmare Shelley had in the midst of a violent storm, Aurora reads upon waking from the terrible nightmare with a start, Mary got out of bed went over to her desk, she began writing down a manuscript about a mad scientist named Victor Frankenstein in his laboratory down in the basement of his castle. Making his latest experiments with different materials and using the elements of electronic circuits to create a new creature.

The atmosphere in the entire novel sounds like a horror film between the pages and with words, Christine, Esmeralda, Isabella, and Juliet were sitting closely to Aurora, and Selena listening intently to the immersive, engaging dialogue they were reading from the manuscript, they are learning more about not just about classic literary work, but also about the novelist Mary Shelley herself, and how she was inspired to write such a trilling, engaging, and creative piece of fiction known for generations.

Then suddenly while in the middle of being so engrossed into the story of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Juliet’s hears the ringing sound of Run Devil Run originally performed by legendary K-pop group Girl’s Generation, she presses the FaceTime app button, image on screen said Hello my dear, it was Juliet’s aunt Elizabeth calling from her friend’s Kiki house, in the lively busking city of Miami, Florida, then Elizabeth asks her niece, what were she and her friends doing earlier before the FaceTime call, Juliet responds to her aunt, they were in the middle of reading the manuscript written by Mary Shelley, it recounts how Shelley was inspired by a nightmare to write her most renowned horror fiction novel, Frankenstein.

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