Craft a monologue from a serial killer rationalizing their compulsion to murder.
fourteen pieces
fourteen pieces
you tore me into fourteen goddamn pieces
and for what, set?
a throne? a crown? a title?
how’s it feel to bite when you got rotten teeth?
you killed me
you let my wife find me; she hid me
did you pretend not to know?
did you hide while she tucked me into those reeds,
like a coward?
she could kill you easy, you know.
i wonder what you used
a cleave, an axe
or did you rend me limb from limb with your bare hands?
i wonder what that feels like
not being torn apart; nah, i know what you did to me. felt all of it.
i wanna know what it feels like to rip the flesh from the bones of my very own brother
chop him up into fourteen little pieces
maybe tear your jaw from your face, that ugly, long-snout mug
split your arms at elbow and wrist,
your legs at the hips, then knees, then ankles,
then your head
ain’t that fourteen pieces?
you’re war, storms, chaos, yeah?
lemme bring that back ‘round to you
i remember you said, once,
“oh, brother, you will never amount to anything. you might be old, but you ain’t wise.”
i’m alive, for one, which is what you won’t be by the end of this
you know, set, the best thing about being reborn over and over again,
is that i can kill you
and over
i see god in all of man,
but i see no such god in you
i don't know what you were ever scared of,
to kill me like that,
but believe me
i am worse
your heart is heavy
i cannot wait to watch it burn,
and feed those cold, charred ashes to ammit
freak of nature, just like you
but at least she’s useful