
The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow moonlit lane. Walking toward the house. Not knowing who they are, nor what they want I ran out the back door. With all the young witches that have gone missing in just this week alone. We are all terrifed. What if we’re next? They wont stop till they find you. I have been on the run for weeks, they somehow keep finding me. I'm getting tired of running, but I'm trying to figure out where they keep taking these girls.

“Good morning.” Sam said with a tired smile. He took the night shift so we could get some rest last night. “I hope the dreams have subsided and you got some sleep last night.”

“I can’t believe they found us again. We can’t keep doing this. We need to find away to figure out who they are and what they want. Then come up with a plan to stop them.” Rose exclaimed

“Well from what we know at this moment in time they are after us because we are witches. They seem to be the only ones in town that have been going missing. The real question is; how did they find out that they were witches? None of us use our magic in front of anyone else and are very careful when abs where we practice.” I said things have been so strange. We can’t keep running away when they show up we have to try to do something. Finding these missing witches is our biggest priority at the moment. “Let’s go into town today and see if anyone else had some uninvited guests last night” I finally said after a few minutes of silence.

“Let me come with you. You might need some back up.” Said Sam

“You need to get done rest before you’ll do much good my love. You can’t protect me if you are overly tired. You need your rest as well. We will be ok it is daylight and the town will be swamped with people. Don’t worry about us. I’ll wake you when we get home and let you know if we found anything.” Rose and I started to get ready. It’s just a short walk into town but we still only go in 2 days a week. Usually have many other things going on. “Are you all ready to go rose. We should get into town before the sun is fully up so we don’t m miss the ten gossip.” I laughed as he grumbled at me. I could see he wanted to argue with me, but he decided against it and went inside to sleep.

“Of course Tay let’s head out.”

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