The Monster

This battle has my men and I being attacked viciously I see one after another fall. Most of them before they can even take a shot, these things oh these things Josh says angrily they are too powerful too too much my men they weren’t ready for this type of battle they were new in the program barley even begun their training. Poor boys each that falls another man who had not even lived his life never had a wife never won an award lives lost gone one by one. I can’t watch this anymore we’re low the men are gone only a few I can see are still breathing calculating their next move which will only lead them to their demise. Stop Josh lowly spoke on the intercom you must stop don’t move boys I’ve got his weak spot so stay down especially you Gerry nothing stupid alright I think he breathes deeply I think I have a plan. Is it a good plan general? says Gerry. We’re about to find out Gerry. In his plane after watching each boy strike at the opposer Gen. Josh had realised a weak spot it makes the monster grow at its weakest Josh knows he has been safe in his invisibly coated in mirrors plane that he must now come to view a little more and shoot towards the monsters underbelly. I got this I got this and one, two says Josh he then watches the bomb go down it seems slow at first then creates a thick fog of sand from the ground making everything almost impossible to see. Hope there is though as the fog dissipates Josh can see the monster once as powerful as a volcano it’s seemingly force unmeasurable now just a wrinkly ol’ thing like a bug after it’s been squashed. All that he that all that loss just for those little henchmen of his I guess it was trade his men for my men it was that easy to take him down I guess he was weakened already thought Josh just had to hit him in the sweet spot. After Josh had celebrated his victory his eyes grew blurry after taking in well everything what brought his people here what destroyed them. Josh lowered his plane got out and shot at the remaining few henchmen of the monster coming at him he got them he was through with them at this point he just wanted to check on his men but as he did he heard a raspy whisper so he turned. Who knew that we would destroy ourselves?”what! Josh exclaimed you don’t get to say a thing you’re supposed to be dead. Shall I fulfil soldier my destiny to die we all have the same one live die inside then die on the outside my body is decayed but my mind is still awake. The monsters face collapses making a large sound Releasing a small red shock from his mouth to Marty the soldier. Look at me!! Screams the monster through Marty’s mouth. Ahhhhhh! Marty feels an intense pain in his mind a fracture another mind now coexisting with his own. Every time a muscle is moved it his wanting of not to move it makes this strong magnetic force of a pull and when the monster succeeds him it feels like it’s been ripped. Marty can only speak if he wants it enough. Marty hears Josh calling out to him saying“I know he is in your head you just have to fight it, you have to…please!!! in agony his words were. Marty will let the monster go on, hoping that it’ll quiet down so Marty can scream and be his own again. Josh this soldier does call you, now what left I have to tell you then Josh is what do I have left, really what do you have left? We’re are both losers your world in perish your people almost fully wiped out and my colony gone to, there is nothing for us here. Josh screams there is only nothing here because your troops made war to my people, we had to fight back that is the only reason both our colonies our people our families are all gone!!! because of you whatever you are!!! What’s done is done, Josh we must now focus on the aftermath. I believe that having both failed we should find a new land to conquer, this time together. Josh’s thoughts begin a rampage.

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