Write the blurb for your book.

The blurb will help you think generally about your main plot points, your audience, and the purpose of your story.

Talking To Javier Chavez About His past Pt1

“My past isnt a fond one but I will retell to the best of my ablility.I grew up in a Small village called Rivera my father owned an estate and he had a second house for bussiness I hardly ever saw my father. Mi madre, my mother and I were very close she taught me how to cook,sew,and hunt but my favorite was medical studdies. mother never liked The modern "pill way" as she called it she showed me how use homemade remedies we had a book that we read every night about all sorts of healing methods. I had a great life until, my father came home ever so often he would come home drunk and abuse me and my mother and there was no escape from his anger and one night he came home I could hear the arguement from my room I could make out what they were saying. I tried not to easdrop but everyone in the village could hear my Papa if they wanted too. I found out that my mother had stage five brain cancer,I did my best to help her....But I couldnt save my Madre my father was fierce, he disowned me and sent me to his Abulo to work on the farm as a slave. The farm wasnt any better Abulo was cruel to everyone and he blames me for everything he would often abuse me if I tried to help the other slaves he would take me to his room and in his closet there was a trap door I- I’m sorry I can’t talk about this anymore”Javier says “I need to tend to the horses.” Then Javier walks off
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