Play Stupid Games And You Win Stupid Prizes.

They said it was a myth. That Repunzel’s castle was just a Disney Film, but I found it. The castle looks like someone or something took a bite out of the side. It was barely hold, it looked like it could collapse with a single breath.

Everything was dead within a mile radius. You could almost feel the story as you were walking towards the tower. You could see where Mother Gothal fell and where she climbed the tower. Repunzel’s golden hair flowing in the wind.

The air smelled horrible. Rotted and spoiled. I took a step closer. I could hear twigs snap as I walked and the dead grass crunch. The smell was almost unbearable as I tried to hold down my lunch.

I was at the doorway of the tower. The smell was definitely coming from here. I opened the door, as I did I looked back to see my friends cowering behind a bush. Their eyes glowed in the dark with their flashlight close near their faces.

I took a deep breath and walked in. It looked way worse than it smelled. There were drawings on the wall, and big words spelled out. I walked on old crunchy paper that broke when I stepped on it. It sounded like crushing bones when I walked.

I pulled out my flashlight to look on the walls. It read; FIND THE ONE.

Whatever that meant it was bad. Find what? The door slammed behind me and there was a hooded figure near the door. Panic swept through me. My legs started to shake and my breathing quickened.

The person took off the hood. The face, or what was left of it, shown in the beam of the flashlight. I almost screamed. But I couldn’t find any words, nevertheless, sound for my voice.

She walked toward me. Her hair looked like straw, and her face was decaying. Her left side of her face was ripped out showing her teeth and gums. Her wrinkled face drooped down without life, like a zombie.

“Find the one. Lost the one.” She slurred.

She kept walking toward me.

“Lost. But found a new.” She smiled, well tried to.

“Young flesh.” She kept walking.

“Need to look young.” She moaned.

I screamed on the top of my lungs. A cry for help. I ran to the corner of the tower. Her walk was quick for a undead person. I grabbed a piece of wood that might have been a banister. I held it up as if I was going to hit her, still whimpering. I turned off my light so she couldn’t see me.

I walked slowly so she couldn’t hear my footsteps. I stopped and I couldn’t hear her odd breathing anymore. No more crunching, either. I turned on the light.

Her face was right in front of me. I screamed bloody murder. She lunged at my arm and dug her nails into me. I screamed louder, it felt like tiny knives were slowly cutting me as they ran down my arm.

I screamed louder and I heard a loud bang and screaming. She had gotten my friends too, I thought as I laid on the ground near crumbled papers. I closed my eyes waiting for her to finish me.

A few seconds later I was being lifted up. She sure was strong for a decaying old woman. I peeled open my eyes and I saw my friends pulling out of the tower. Their faces had a little blood in them but not as much as a scratch.

“What happened?” I asked, my voice raw from all the screaming.

“We just saved you back there from that dead person.” One of them said.

“Oh cool.” I mumbled, my head was spinning’s

“I think you have a concussion.” A voice told me.

“Hey.” I said to the three of them, “let’s never play truth or dare ever again.”


“Yeah, absolutely!”

“Duh!” They said all together.

And we were on our way back to the car to take us home. If we learned one thing is never play truth or dare. Never. There’s a reason they say Play Stupid Games and You Win Stupid Prizes.

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