‘All that glitters is not gold.’

Write a poem that begins with this line. What might this common saying lead you to explore?


All that glitters is not gold…

Avarice makes the eye a victim to lies

Do not be fooled by what shines

For all that glitters is not gold…

So seek not what the eye admired

Many a fool aspired and admired

He chased it as one brave and bold

But what he found was far from gold

All that glitters is not gold…

So beware what you perceive and do not behold

Surely all is not as you are told

All that glitters is not gold…

Seek not what the eye admires

Look only for that for which the heart inspires

For even as the eyes expire

The heart is the last to retire

So ignore the shine in thy eyes

Do not be a victim to the lies

Listen my people and pay heed

Do not go where greed may lead…

By Perditus The Lost

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