Write about a meet-cute that goes well for your protagonist.
A meet-cute is an amusing or charming first encounter between characters which typically leads to a romantic relationship.
Picture Perfect.
It was a perfect first date.
Shame she is horribly cursed.
My original date had stood me up, so I was trying not to cry into my salad. Then I felt someone looking at me.
I could only see a family of four in front of me, and nearly choked on my cucumber when a picture on the wall waved at me.
It was a girl sat in a library, forever fixed to her chair.
She wrote on paper; DATE STOOD YOU UP?
I looked down at my salad and tried not to give into the urge to look at the crazy girl I was obviously imagining.
Ten minutes later, the family got up to leave.
I glanced to see the girl looking sadly into her book.
When the table was clear, I looked up again to see her looking at me.
I smiled at my empty plate.
When the waitress came by I asked her about the painting.
“I’ve been here a few years, it just turned up one day. Shame we have to get rid of it.”
She shuffled plates on her tray. “Higher ups want more themed pictures, they are doing the whole restaurant in a new style soon.”
I paid the bill and found myself wandering over to the painting. The girl perked up when I appeared. NORMALLY PEOPLE JUST RUN AWAY. She wrote.
“What happened?”
I couldn’t help but ask.
She shrugged. NOT SURE, Came the paper.
I grinned. “Want to get out of here?”
She didn’t write this time but I caught the shape of her mouth: “yes”
I smuggled the frame under my jacket, and walk briskly out. No-one seems to mind.
On the walk to the train - some distance from the restraint - I take out the picture.
We talk for hours, about everything. The train is delayed so I have a hot chocolate, somehow she tries a bit that I smear on the painted cup and watch vanish.
Then she asks me for my blood.
Using my keys to jab my thumb, I oblige.
Her voice is a little rusty from disuse, but the rest of the night goes well. I hang her in my buildings lobby when I get home, bidding her goodnight.
A perfect night, curse and all.