Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
I clutched the knife in my hand, and glanced at the timer. Thank god, I made it. I wiped the blood off of the knife, and looked down at what i’ve done. It was either her or Ivy. My shirt was stained with blood. She’ll be here soon.. Shit. I can still fix this. I hurriedly cleaned the blood off of myself and the floor, and proceeded to hide the body. I heard footsteps approaching me and checked the room. I did good.. Hopefully.
“Ray? Ray, are you in there?”
I opened the door to find Ivy standing there in a nice dress. “You look great,” I mumbled.
“Thanks. Can I come in? You said you needed to tell me something.” I nodded and let her in.
“Ivy, I,” I froze. ‘After what you’ve done, do you deserve this?’ I thought to myself. ‘I HAD to.’
“What is it?,”
“I ki—“
“What the hell?”
She cut me off, walked down a short hallway, and stopped when she saw the red on the floor.
“Jesus, is this blood? Did something happen?”
“No— I must’ve fallen earlier.”
She saw another stain.
Shit, I wasn’t careful enough.
“What did you do?,” She trembled.
“I’m so sorry.”
I inched closer to hold her hand, but she pulled herself away. “What’s wrong with you?! Tell me what you did!”
“It wasn’t my fault. The.. The timer, It told me to, It forced me to do it!”
“Timer, my ass! You’re psychotic..”
Maybe I was. Maybe there wasn’t a ‘timer’, But I would’ve taken out cities for her. By now, I knew it was too late for her to understand.