Write a story that centres around playing a game.

Welcome To The Game

The sound of the shovel hitting dirt made my heartrate skyrocket. We’re so close to reaching the renowned piece.

“I can almost feel it!” My older brother calls out in excitement.

The atmosphere of the barren forest and the fear that was originally in my heart completely disappeared.

At first, the emptiness of the forest was extremely off-putting. The lack of life and the deadness of everything in the area made the two very uneasy but they fought through.

The sound of metal hitting plastic drew my attention back to my brother.

“Jean look at this!” My brother said raising a black box packed with dirt and gravel.

Before I could say anything a red light flashed into my left eye sending pain throughout my entire body causing a sharp cry of pain and in response the closing of my remaining eye.

Panic ran through my chest when my brother had no response.

In sheer desperation, I overcome the pain to look for my brother only to see a multitude of colors shooting toward me with a white box growing larger in the middle.

The words “Welcome to The Game” floated inside in red text and a similar colored button below it.

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