‘And the sky had never looked so blue.’
Write a poem, ending with this line, which focuses on hope and positivity.
Echoes Of Hope
Being alive had never meant anything to me,
The world looked grey,
The sunset, though beautiful, looked as if it had no ray.
I felt as though I had no purpose,
Being alive felt draining,
I was completely miserable,
In my heart, I felt this unexplainable aching.
But then I met someone,
Someone who gave me a reason to live for,
Someone who was my motivation to get up in the morning,
Someone who gave me more than I could ever ask for.
As more and more time went by,
The emptiness in my soul faded away,
And I had less and less reasons to cry.
The world as I knew it started to look less grey,
Melancholy as a graveyard on a rainy day, no longer existed,
It became more distant.
I started looking at the world through colourful rays of sunshine,
We were like to souls intertwined.
He had saved my life,
Even though he hadn't realized it,
It is something that I now feel proud to admit.
Melancholy faded away,
And the sky had never looked so blue on that day.