‘And the sky had never looked so blue.’
Write a poem, ending with this line, which focuses on hope and positivity.
Blue Skies 
I walked through life in quiet despair,
The weight of the world, too much to bear,
But in my heart, a flame did burn,
A lesson of hope I was yet to learn.
I heard a voice, from within the skies,
‘’ I’m here, my child. Now dry your eyes.’’
It left me breathless, I must confess.
For in that moment, I was blessed.
I saw the darkness start to fade,
As faith within me rose and stayed,
It whispered of a future new,
Where dreams once lost could now come true.
I reached the edge of dawn's embrace,
Felt the sun's warm, gentle grace,
The pain subsided, I felt renewed,
And the sky had never looked so blue.