This is my decision

“I made up my mind, and it’s final.”

“But your highness…”

“Are you contradicting me?”

Silence fell on the room and nobody dared to talk.

“Good. I’m your queen and I don’t like being told what to do.”

She stood up on the desk and looked around, challenging people to answer.

“You asked me to find a husband to abide by the law. That was something I didn’t want to take lightly and I still don’t. Having a husband might undermine my authority in some of your minds and I won’t have that under any circonstances.”

“But, your highness…” the grand chancellor started.

She stopped him with one finger held up.

“You wanted me to make a decision, and my decision is final. From this day forth, my court will hold a harem of men at my disposal. I will be free to chose a favorite to marry and keep the others at my disposition. Of course, each one of the contendants will have to be carefully chosen and agree to this disposition.”

She straightened and looked around once more. “Now, does anyone has anything more to add?”

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