Two friends discuss how they would rob a bank, using humour to lighten the tone...
“If you had to rob a bank, how would you do it?”
“Well, that’s not a fair question because I never would. Try again!”
“No, let’s make it more interesting. How would we do something we would never do?”
“Okay then.”
“Okay, so?”
“Give me a second! I would plan for sure. Scout the smallest bank I could find with the largest loot. I guess I’d have to buy a gun. Protection, maybe another person or two. A driver of course. Maybe my dog.”
“A dog?”
“You know, for moral support. But not really, just being silly. Anyway, a gun, yeah, and bags and bags to carry the loot. So many bags that I won’t be able to carry them without a suitcase, so a suitcase too.”
“You’re robbing a bank with a dog and a suitcase.”
“Hypothetically, and I told you the dog was a joke. You have a better idea, anyway?”
“Hypothetically, of course, I walk in and start shooting until the room is empty and I’m free to take what I want.”
“Hmm. Dark.”
“Yeah. Let’s do another question. You pick this time.”