Starving For You

Eyes on Eyes

Lips on Lips

Hips on Hips

Your sweat harbors pheromones I cannot resist; cooling my neck in the heat of us as droplets fall off your dark tendrils.

With my chin on your collarbone as I love on your neck, I feel vampires are more human than monster; for I have found my mortal self wanting to latch on and drink you dry

I wish I could rip you open and curl up in you like a joey in its mother’s pouch. I can never seem to get enough of you, nor close enough to you. These clothes, the air, your skin; all are in my way.

And when you’re not there and I think of you, I get this hollow and deep ache. It starts like a lump in my throat and sends shivers down my spine on its descent to my stomach. Followed by a buzz, this rush of hunger for your body to be with mine is debilitating.

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