Submitted by Benjamin Linus

Create a poem around the theme of sonder.

Sonder is the realisation that everyone is living their own complex lives even if you aren’t aware of them.

Sonder, Wonder, Asunder

Everybody, everywhere Live lives far different from my own Some are successful Some are torturous The lives of the many The lives I cannot comprehend Breaks the mind to try to comprehend Life is beyond the mind Everybody, everywhere lives differently from me Interconnected through the internet, Even if I think I know you, I know only a fracture of you Everyone, everybody has secrets Some secrets go to the grave Some destroy lives Some destroy yourself Everybody, everywhere has darkness within A complexity of webs, lies, and darkness Only the blissful few, are not tormented The life inside the mind, is beyond understanding The life of a friend, may seem happy But tomorrow, they hang cold and lifeless Everyone is complex Everybody is unique Everybody, everywhere are equal as humans Everybody, however, do not have equal lives Some lives do not matter to you, And yet they matter to someone else When mass tragedy happens, we all feel it We are humans are connected, Yet we try to separate from each other Isolation, the key to desecration Everybody, everywhere has good in them Those who do not, are not connected They are the outcast, we must attest to the enigmas We must condemn the evil, we must be good Those of us who feel empty Must try and fill, the complexity of life The complexity of everything, Leads to nihilism Everybody, everywhere lives mean nothing Nothing matters in the end, Everyone lives complex lives, who all will die Nothing lasts forever, no one matters forever Life is ever changing, and yet humans will always Be connected through shared hardship, Shared pain, shared hatred, shared humanity And yet, life does not matter, nobody matters
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