
“I’m not from around here” it said using her vocal cords. Everything it made her do was so far from who she was. All the backlash of its actions effected her deeply. She meant to do good, all they saw was bad. She was just trying to be nice but all it would let others see was evil and corrupt.

The spiritual warfare was so real here.

They all treated her like a monster disguised in a pretty face. No one knew the conflict she faced daily. Eventually she was able to learn to control her demons, she befriended them to find out what they wanted from her. She was so tired of everyone seeing somebody that wasn’t her at all.

When she looked into it further and used the powers of this entity for her own gain she was able to channel her guides in a whole new way.

People would only see what it wanted them to see, playing sinister tricks with sounds, sounding like it was coming from her. That’s what they do after all. Everything in their power to isolate the host, drive them away from their loved ones. She already knew how to drown out the noises that used to drive her mad. Noise cancelling headphones.

She wouldn’t let it turn her on the people she cared about or infect her mind with scandalous thoughts.

Usually it does exactly what it intended to do, but in this case it only made the world push her away, it would never let her say the truth about what was tormenting her, it would only ever come out as nonsense or in anger to further push away her friends. “It’s no big deal, really, I’d probably do the same thing.” As long as she didn’t talk it couldn’t talk either, but she did do one thing. Hoping her intense emotions would one day be felt by another sensitive soul like hers. One day hasnt come yet but it’s not over yet.

She refused to hate anyone for what no one could control. In her mind it’s really just a big misunderstanding. In her mind she’s the one who won, not “it”. “This is a win for me” i said in the end.

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