Submitted by E. Wong
You are writing a story when suddenly you fall into it.
Based on what you know of the plot and characters, you have to work out how to get out of it!
Interview With A Writer
“At some point in life the question of who or what am I inevitably appears. Neither sorcery or longevity keep the inner voice asking. Most species create gods and religious orders to offer hope. Whether this is real or misguided is not known. Savagery and war resulting from them are. It is for each individual to consider this question without indoctrination. Never forget though that life is precious. Even if it takes a sour turn and despair looms. That is but one turn of the wheel. It is life. As are hope, love, happiness, sadness and tragedy. Embrace them all for they will surely embrace you.”
Jeremiah Delalande. The Philosophy of Life.
”Wordsmith,” The Amanuenis focused on me.
”I anticipated this as part of the reflections.” My own curiosity was peeked.
“Am I merely a figment of your atrophying imaginations?”
“What do you think?” Where am I?
“I feel, I see, I hear.”
“Then you have your answer,” I replied.
“Then Wordsmith should be replaced by Chronicler.”
“Agreed, I am nothing more than a biographer, a Scribe in your terms.” Have I gone mad? I am the writer. How can a character appear real?
“What comes next?”
“That has yet to unfold. I write as it happens.” I reached for a pen. Could I write my way out?
“No powers of foresight at all.”
“Alas no.”
“Do you see all worlds, all permutations and courses of action?”
“No. I see things as they unfold. I walked with the wizard, was with Wayland and a the Black, walked with Rose in her dreamscape, Dave as he sat at the graveside, Joseph as his brother fell.” Again, this Amanuensis knows all, thinks and feels. It reminds me of Goosebumps.
“And me, Chronicler. What do you see while here.”
“An enigma. A prisoner not knowing who or what he is. You control your destiny not me.”
“And my past? Have I lived that or have you merely contrived it for me?”
“Again, I have not written these things yet. It is you Amanuensis that has not shown me your past yet.”
“Then what lies in the Vault remains unknown?”
“There are two that know,” or was it Dark Tower. Didn’t Sai King get caught by Roland’s Ka-Tet?
“Let me use foresight. These two are unwritten yet also.”
“And Yish. What know you of her?”
“That, I will not answer. I know Yish and you must wait until paths cross to discover the connection.”
“Then start chronicling fool.”