
Dear Diary,

Family. 1 word. 3 continents. And supposed to mean so much. Supposed to consist of people that are there for u and who love you no matter what. Supposed to be a group of people who as long as you have them you are home. Family is supposed to be there and never give up on you supposed to be connected through blood. Blood is thicker than water. I’ve heard it 1000 times.

I was never super close to my family. We lived under the same roof but it felt as our minds were miles apart. Senior year. That’s when the few strings tying me to my family were chopped away. I was moving to an preforming arts college in New York, leaving my family and little town in Louisiana. Planning on staying there for a while I decided to come out to them as nonbinary. Let’s just say they didn’t take it very well.

There’s was lots of yelling and I got kicked out. They took back the money they had reluctantly given to help me with college tuition. And now I had no home no food and the very little money I had earned from my job at a restaurant.

I spent all my time in highschool working and doing plays so i don’t have a lot of friends and all the ones I do have already moved out of state for college and I couldn’t afford a ticket to them. After wondering around for a bit I ended up finding Emma she’s a popular girl and I no idea who I was but i knew that she was nice.

I stayed at her house for a bit and she pretty much ignored me. So did everyone else that came over, to hangout with her, for parties, but I was used to it. She always denied it saying that she loved having me there but other than our morning conversations we never talked.

One morning I decided to leave. I didn’t want to hide in a house doing little jobs here and there. So I combined all the money I had and bought a ticket to New York. And that’s where I am now...

- Alex

Author note.

i guess this isn’t really and event but an out of place in the event of life.

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