nothing matters

Yesterday, I took a step back from my life. From the good. From the bad. It’s funny how life goes on without you. People still laugh, cry and die no matter what you do. In the end, you’ll just be another statistic on the news and that’s ok. That’s all most of us are ever destined for. Sure, some of us may do great things, but let’s be honest here, most of us would be forgotten in an instant. Yes, you undoubtedly have family or friends who love you and will remember you when you’re gone, but what about when they’re gone? Forgotten? Then what happens to you? Your memory dies with them and so the cycle keeps spinning until nothing and nobody matters. It’s almost better this way. I can justify every questionable action I have taken by the phrase:

“Nothing matters”

because it’s true. I’ll be gone soon, and so will you.

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