
Selena, Christine, Esmeralda, Jennie, and Melody were strolling down the white stone pathway leading towards the Palace of Livadia entrance, they were traveling to Yalta in the Crimea, to explore, and experience the life the last imperial family in Russia, Tsar Nicholas II and his family lived before the conflict of WWI, the turmoil, and the political tensions, upheaval of the Russian revolution, led to the exile, Captivity, eventual imprisonment of the Romanovs, lasted a span of a year and a half, from 1917-early 1918, until their final journey to the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg, to begin their final journey to the kingdom of heaven as holy Royal martyrs.

The girls were discussing the bygone days when the Romanovs spend quality time together at Livadia, and celebrating White Flower Day, to raise money for patients suffering from tuberculosis, they would be selling handmade items at a charity bazaar, they entered into the palace, the girls began to sense the presence, hearing the voices of Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Alexei, known as the Crown Jewels of Russia, giggling, laughing playing together, marching in a line wearing Matching white clothes,and carrying big white flowers in their hands.

Selena, and her friends were in awe of the beautifully decorated interiors looked like it had been during Nicholas II’s reign. Suddenly, Selena began singing beautifully with a gentle sweet voice with power, and emotion haunted melodies, meaningful lyrics Once Upon a December in the Russian language, in honor of the Romanovs.

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