The Robots

March 1st, 4076

Dear diary, the robots got mommy today.

I witnessed them tearing her organs out.

It was scary.

I hope that isn’t me someday.

I don’t wanna kill people,

I don’t like blood!

It’s scary.

March 5th, 4076

Today they got daddy.

I hope he meets mommy in heaven.

Right now I’m hiding under the bed.

I can see the robot’s feet.

Or rather- wheels.

They are covered with blood!

I can hear them..

They’re still looking for me.

I’m the last one left of my family.

March 8th, 4076

Dear diary, I think this is the last time I’ll ever write.

The robots are getting closer to me,

They’re bound to find me sometime today.

And- they found me.

March 9th, 4076

I don’t know why they let me write in you, but-

I’m being hung above a lava pit.

I can feel it-

It’s s-s-so hot..

I hate it.


At least I didn’t have a death like mommy’s.

But I feel this one is much worse.

Soon I’ll fall into the burning hot lava!

I don’t want a death like this..

I think it’s time..

The robot’s are about to cut the rope.



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