Free Falling

The lights from the building shine brightly into the pitch black sky small stars are scattered barely visible in the swirling sky filled with smog and death and the moon is know where to be seen as I sit here late into the night hours. the building I’m on top of sits above most building on the sky line of this great city so I can look down at the little ants that are people

I can see cop cars chasing someone I should have caught. Shivers begin to creep there way down my spine. The cold concrete feels slightly less solid and a little more chilly. I look across the street to a building almost level as mine. It’s a government building for sure my sister is in there right now trying to track down the dangerous hero who has “caused damage and destruction” actually I have kept the streets safe from killers and robbers for about three years now. The only reason that. I am a threat is because I don’t follow the rules. A wind comes and seems to go through me and freeze my core. Reminding me that the winter had passed. A loud bang form the door to the roof opening

“STOP” “ don’t move ma’am you are under arrest”

“Of course ” the unhelpful little voice inside of me is bitter with resent. I leap to my feet not phased my the stomachs churning drop behind me. there isn’t enough room for me to get to the door the man who spoke to me looks pleased with him self and is also very bad at hiding the fact that he is going to

t get a raise.

“You really don’t have to do this. Once you catch me who is going to protect the city then” I chuckle nervously

“We will protect the city you idiot girl” the man on the left spits out his words with so much hate you would think I murder his mother. “ really you think that I have done somthing awful” a stutter with pure surprise my face start to heat up as I realize these people actually hate me

“I have protects the city every anonymous person who drops off wanted criminals has been me “ the first man’s eyes boring into mine as I gets. Shock of the truth, “I have to jump”

“ no you didn’t not protect the city you destroyed it every explosion. You’ve caused every death you’ve caused it’s all your fault. His words make me dizzy.

I turn away from the officers and look down at the bustling city where ignorant people  worry about there money and not there children at home who sit in despair waiting for daddy to come home.

I swivel a face the officer who is nearest to me.

“ just be brave” I think to myself

“ well it has been a beautiful night dont you think” the relaxed movement I make towards the edge of the building is a noticeable 

“ I think that I want to enjoy many more night like this” worry in hiding behind my joyful voice. As I freed fall to the city below

“Down! Down your insufferable people I here the cop who corners me in the distance.

Wind nips at my face as I fall, fall, fall.

“What..I dint think this through” panic begins to corse through my gains as I try to flap my arms hoping I will try into a creature of flight

I women screams and I hope she just thinks that this is some twisted stunt and lord to I wish it was.

“ I’m sorry Lily! I see my sister right before it all goes dark.

“I’m cold” the blunt words fill my mind as I realize I’m alive I lay on a cot it’s not very nice but it’s fine I look stood at the cheap fake wooden counters and the blue ivy bag that hangs in my left. I look towards the window when I relive I’m not alone

“ lily “ I whisper a small smile on my lips thinking I’m saved

“ Mary you just jumped off a building-

“ I know”

“ was that a suicide attempt?”

Disgust fills my sisters face as she never talks louder than him 

“ no, lily I’m a hero” I smile again it fall flat

“She doesn’t look happy” the blunt voice inside of me is correct she looks she betrayed. ”well Mary your under arrest.”

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