Strange Death

It’s strange, I always pictured life after death as a pleasant paradise, where everyone was happy and they had all they could want. It wasn’t like that in the slightest. It wasn’t a bright light like they show in all the movies, it was more like a slide at your favorite playground.

It’s never ending and your thrown through loop after loop. You don’t see the people from the living world, in fact you don’t even remember any of them. Even more strange is everyone here looks the exact same, it’s like looking in a mirror or a hundred mirrors.

There’s no ocean, no sun, no grass and no weather changes at all. Everyone is put into categories and then assigned a daily task. Sometimes it’s to help the newly dead on a tour, or help them find their categories.

All categories share a resident in which they live with many of the same category. One thing is for sure that we all thought was true is we never sleep. We don’t have any need for it, we have an endless supply of energy.

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