Your protagonist is hosting a party in the middle of the desert. Who are they and why are they here?

The Red Rock

They said it couldn’t be done. They said the technology wasn’t advanced enough. They said Mars was too far to reach. But here it is, the very first recreational expedition to the red rock.

Jane spent her life stargazing. She observed for NASA, taught astrophysics at MIT, and built rockets for Space X. Truth be told, those fully fledged careers for other people were just stepping stones for Jane. She had always dreamed of stepping foot on the dusty red surface of Mars, but more than anything she wanted to share that dream. And not with astronauts and billions, talking about atmospheric pressure, and profitability and earning potential of mining Mars rock.

She wanted to share it with other dreamers; those with the fascination and curiosity that compels them to do great things. So she gathered the greatest minds she could. Finding ways to make the trip cost effective, comfortable and rewarding were challenges that spanned decades.

Finally, she had made it to the stars.

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