The Castle

I stood face to face with the largest mountain in history, it was like looking at fear right in the eyes and saying “hello”. I reach for my pack, I close my eyes and hope that I have rock climbing supplies, I nervously opened it up only to see an old granola bar. My face turned a dark shade of red, I was literally fuming, I look for a spot to put my hands and feet, I sweat nervously. I reassure myself by thinking about the beautiful castle on the other side of the mountain. I take a deep breath in and i reach for the nearest ledge to climb onto. I was doing very well until I heard rocks falling off the side of the mountain, I grip harder while questioning my life choices, I continue climbing up the steep mountain. I look around and I almost fall seeing a skeleton hanging on with one finger, there were millions of bugs going in and out of the skeleton, I was shook. I’m so close to the top I can practically smell it, “one more rock to go” I whisper to myself, I put my hand up on the top of the mountain. I slowly perk my head over to see this view I could only imagine “ I knew it!” I say, all my life I have been dreaming about this moment, no one thought I could do it, but I did and I could never feel better about it. I reach my legs over and sit on the top of the mountain admiring the tall, white, old castle. I was in awe.

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