Ahead of you, footprints appear on the beach heading into the ocean, but there is no one in sight.
Save Me
I awoke on the soft cotton sheet that we laid out for ourselves last night. The salty sea air blowing my hair in my face. Smiling, running my hand next to me, seeking her touch but all I felt was the fabric under my fingers. As I open my eyes, the smallest light peeking out from the horizon as the sun is starting to rise.
Sitting up, I look around, gathering my thoughts of last night. Laying with her, tangled together under the glow of the moon. Just her hands touching me were enough, but she gave me everything I ever wanted last night. Today, I will propose, telling her she is the love of my life, and she’s to be mine.
Thinking that maybe she took a walk early, I stand, maybe I can catch up to her. As I started to walk down the beach, hoping to see her sitting, watching the waves crash at the shore. All I found were footprints heading to the water. It had to be hers, no one else is here right now. Crouching down, I place my hand into the print, still soft and wet. ‘These are fresh’,I thought.
Looking out into the ocean, I don’t see anyone swimming, I don’t see her. Thoughts are starting to race, as my heart breaks. “No!” Running to the edge of the shore. “Alyssia! Alyssia! Baby, come on talk to me!”
Screaming her name and hearing no response, I shake off my shorts and shirt. The cold air giving me goose flesh. Running into the breakers, fighting the current to stay afloat.
Driving under, my eyes straining to see in the murky water, stinging from the salt. Coming up and for air, then diving back under. Over and over I search and search for her. ‘Oh God, please don’t take her from me’.
As I took my final plunge, getting to the bottom searching along the sand. I caught a glimpse of something floating at the bottom. Paddling towards the motion, I immediately stop and close my eyes.
My Alyssia..