
Whispers echoed in the small cramped room. I tried to remember why I am here, but it’s hard after being cooped of for three days.

Or was it four?

“How long do you think before the game starts,” someone near me asks. Or perhaps across the room.

“I don’t know,” another person responds. “But it has to be soon.

Oh right, the game. I was here for the game. This information given about it was just saying it was going to be an elimination game and would last for a week. The winners got to split 1000000 dollars. That was, if there were winners.

The metal door suddenly creaked open and a man that was taller than all of stood outside. “The game is about to start. As you all know, it is an elimination game. There will be 7 killers, one for each day. Their methods and skills are absolutely random, to make it more challenging. If they catch you, you will die. You cannot go beyond the boundaries, or you will die. None of you are allowed to kill each other, or you will die. Supplies, weapons, traps, and hiding places are unknown to some killers are hidden around the campus. It is your choice to share or keep. On the seventh day, whoever is still alive wins.”

He turns around and walks away. “It starts now.”

There is an air of silence. Then we all started running around and tried to find a place to hide. That person couldn’t be serious, right? They would just kick us out, not actually kill us. I ran outside the room, seeing if I could spot anything. It was just metal and metal. First, I had to find food and water. And maybe a weapon just in case. Then I’d find a hiding spot. But I couldn’t stay in it for long, since different killers knew different things. So if I found one, I’d have to depend on my luck that that day’s killer didn’t know about it.

As I searched for supplies, I spotted an outline of a trap door. It was faint, but still visible. I lifted it up and peered inside. A brown sack sat in there, looking unimportant. I snatched it and looked inside. There were a few loaves of bread, two canteens of water, and three daggers. My luck was good today, but how long would it last? I tucked it into my shirt and then began looking for a hiding spot.

I turned right and spotted a metal closet. Could I hide in the metal closet? No, too obvious. There had to be something else. I looked up and down. There was nothing. Great, a useless closet. I leaned against the wall, wondering what to do next.



I glanced up. The closet had moved and revealed a secret entrance. So it wasn’t useless. I dashed in and closed it behind me.

It had been three days and no killer had come for me. Was I really that lucky? My stomach growled. I had finished the bread yesterday. I’d have to go out sooner or later.

Cautiosly, I exited, checking that no one was around. Then I made a run for it, sprinting down the hallway. No killer so far.


_ _I screeched to stop and surveyed my surroundings. There was no one -


_ _I stepped back as a dagger narrowly missed me. The guy wasn’t joking. Another one, and I stepped back again. I heard a soft click.

The throws weren’t meant to kill me. They were to force me into a trap. Spikes shot up and pierced through my body.

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